Saturday, 9 June 2018

Writing a fantasy novel

In my fantasy novel Sürrǣlia – a trilogy of fable, fairy-tale, myth and legend, there are many characters I have been inspired to write by imagining who would play them in the mini-series!

I suppose if anyone is the visual inspiration for the character of Esméraldi it is Eleanor Tomlinson.

A beautiful red-headed, green-eyed Queen and matriarch. At the start of the book she is much older but her story is told in flashbacks and recollections.

Esméraldi the Green has a pedigree like no other” said Lord Périon “Her mother was Lavinia De Lahǣ: half fairy, half elven and said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her father was the noble and gallant Sir Florizel; Knight of Gorron and son to King Florizorre of Florenz and Queen Gelda Longhair of the Norrs. When Gideon the Peacemaker took Esméraldi as his queen she became the mother of a dynasty which would rule not only Panómoria but every corner of Sürrǣlia….” 

I realise fantasy novels are not for everyone and lots might say it’s all been done before from Camelot to Game of Thrones but it’s a world I have had inside my head for a very long time and I feel with all the planning of the structure, back stories, timelines and genealogy I have put into it, I need to get it all down if only for my own peace of mind. Writing a novel is a lot harder than writing a  play. Stop procrastinating Bev, get writing the next chapter – this epic won’t write itself!
I would be interested to hear how many people like reading this genre . This won't have as many battles as Lord of the Rings. No dwarves or monsters but there are Elves, Fairyfolk and different races. There is magic, treachery, love and honour as you would expect but it is also a metaphor for the modern world as it talks of refugees, people displaced and the mixing of races.


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