Friday, 8 June 2018

Sunny Days- Outdoor Theatre

Oh for Lazy days in the sunshine!

It seems even when I do get a day off I find myself sitting at the laptop when I would like to be taking advantage of the sunshine. Well, it may all be gone next week, Its usually the case as the outdoor productions begin so do the summer storms.

I love an outdoor production in the summer when you can eat drink and soak up the theatre! I haven't actually directed many outdoor events - the last was in 2012 - remember July when it rained nearly everyday? We were performing After the Dream - a modern sequel to A Midsummer Night's Dream - in various outside venues across Wirral. The rain was so bad we ended up in conservatories, barns, community halls and last-minute indoor theatres, just to be able to complete the tour.
Nevertheless, it worked really well inside and the play was a great success. It was my first venture into playing around with Shakespeare. This funny, magical play was interwoven with Shakespearean lines amid the modern mayhem.

The full length play, details of which are on my new website  is now licenced to and if you are already planning your next summer's production why not take a look- 4 male 4 female and one garden set. Photos of Hand in Hand Theatre's 2012 production for RSC Openstages, which was previewed at Contact Theatre Manchester can be seen at 

When the two couples are celebrating their 20th anniversary both are experiencing married life very differently and when three new Age travellers gate-crash their party a whole new magic starts to take place. The strangers have come to break a spell but with hilarious results.

Shakespeare meets Ayckbourn is how this 90 minutes of fun, music and magic was described. A great vehicle for the forty-somethings!

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