Friday, 11 November 2016

Writing is more creative than housework any day

Cold mornings and blocked noses are good excuses to stay in bed but if you are like me and feel guilty about the washing up still in the sink or the pile of clothes in the dirty laundry basket,then creeping back under the covers and forgetting the world is hard to I grab my iPad and tap out some makes me feel - well at least I am doing something. what's more important ? Washing up or creating a possible masterpiece ? Perhaps, not a masterpiece but I have two new plays, a couple of half written poems and a short story that is getting longer each day. Ideas are not the problem. Starting is not the problem. Finishing them - is !  O I know how they'll finish, well most of the time but I just don't have time to finish!! O for a day that has thirty hours or more. O for a P.A who could type as quick as I think . O to make just enough money so I can give up work and finally have time to write and do the housework... or better still afford a cleaner !  I have finished some plays of course they are now on my And now four of them available on Amazon. just search one act plays by Bev Clark but I have so much more to write for now the dishes can wait!
What do I write ? Drama comedy horror romance I think I can tackle most genres although supernatural and twist in the tale are my favourite.... and that reminds me my new ghostly one act drama The Ghost Crib should be out next week on Amazon . A haunting period drama about a girl possessed.  I have also just finished putting together a book of poetry. Perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on myself I am finishing some stuff. Now should I get up and go to Tesco or should I write another chapter of my fantasy novel ? ... decisions ...decisions.  Follow me on twitter @hihtheatre or

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