Friday, 7 September 2018

Back to the blogging

i haven’t blogged all summer ! I have been too busy writing other stuff.
It’s hard to know how to use your time . There’s a play to finish ...a few poems on the boil and of course that fantasy novel that I have been trying to finish forever!

I have limited time so what’s the priority....or should I spent time and money on a course instead?
But there are so many courses. It seems everyone is an expect and everyone will take hundreds of pounds just to help you decide what to write and how to write it.

Then there are the competitions! For nearly all you have to pay. For two years I entered magazine comps and I guess spent nearly two hundred quid. I got one poem published and three short listed for no cash and to be fair when I read the winners I wasn’t convinced they were particularly good. But how do we know what is good?

When I produce a play which  I have written and directed I get good feedback, good reviews but I send off playscripts and get very little response....a few showcases of an odd scene is all I have ever achieved.
I sell scripts on amazon but only a few licences to perform. Those that have have been successful.

I go to open mics where poems go down well but sales on my poetry books are very small.
So what do I have to do? Write a sex novel? A crime novel? Like everyone else seems to be doing
I think I have written some good stuff but I haven’t written a great piece...yet. The play or novel that is going to crack back to the laptop and try try again
Meanwhile, my “good” plays can be found at some of which are licenced to and some available on Amazon just search Bev Clark ...btw not the books about dogs-  they’re not mine !
You can follow me on twitter and face book  and look out for my play Baggage at the Liverpool Irish festival this October
My poetry books are on Amazon too .